Welcome to the Startup Office
of the University of Koblenz-Landau

As specialists for knowledge and technology transfer, we motivate, support and accompany students, professors, employees and alumni with innovative ideas to found a startup. We offer information, qualifications and individual consulting. In addition, we facilitate valuable contacts to regional, national and international cooperation partners through our extensive network.



The Startup Office Koblenz is an institution of the University of Koblenz-Landau, which is active at the locations in Koblenz and Landau and closely connected to the Central Institute for Scientific Entrepreneurship & International Transfer (ZIFET).

Our goal is to accompany and support start-ups from the field of science (Scientific Entrepreneurship), i.e. especially technology- and knowledge-based startups from our university. In addition, we are convinced that the so-called intrapreneurship as innovative entrepreneurial thinking and action of employees in existing companies and public institutions becomes increasingly important. Therefore, our offers are also aimed at university employees who are interested in the topics of entrepreneurship, innovation and/or idea development.